


  1. Fully Automated Library.
  2. Online Access  to  e- Books  and  e-Journals
  3. Online Access  to  Library  Information  Service  through  plus Software
  4. Round the  Clock  Internet   Facility
  5. Reprographic Services  at  Nominal  Rate
  6. Providing book  sets  to  all  the  Students
  7. Digital Learning  Materials (NPTEL)
  8. Books for  Competitive  exam – Such  as  GATE,   CAT,  MPSC,  UPSC,  NDA,  SSB,  BANKING, 
  9. CAS and  SDS  Services
  10. BAR CODE Technology
  11. Adopt Open Access System
  12. Adopt Dewey decimal classification system.
  13. Interlibrary loan (Through DELNET )
  14. Reading Hall seating capacity 200 Students

Institutional Repository- The Institutional Repository in Library consists of formally organized and managed collections of digital and printed (Project reports, PhD Thesis, Research Papers, Previous Exam Papers) content generated by faculty, staff, and also students.