
Academic Activities Year 2011-12

1. Faculty Participation in National/International Conference/Workshops/STTP/FDP (External Events)

Sr. No.

Name of Faculty

Title of Conference/Workshop/STTP/FDP

Organized by

Date of event


Dr. M. A. Beg

International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2011)

E.G.S.Pillay Engg. College, Truchirapalli.

27-28 May 2011.

7th International Conference on ―Technical

and Physical Problems of Power Engineering

Near East

University, Lefkosa, TR Northern Cyprus

7-9 July 2011


Prof. S. R. Sapkal

C++ Using data structure


7th march 2012

2. Faculty Publications in National/International Journals

Sr. No.

Name of author(s)

Title of paper

Name of Journal

Vol. /Issue No.

Year of publication



Dr. M. A. Beg

Wavelet-Ann Approach To Classify Capacitor Switching,

Load Switching And Line Switching Transients

International Journal

on ―Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IJTPE)

Vol 1 Number 1

Issue 6



ISSN 2077-3528

A Novel Clarke Wavelet Transform Method To Classify

Power System Disturbances   

International Journal

On Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering‖ (IJTPE)

Vol. 2, No. 2.

Aril 2011

ISSN 2077-3528

A Wavelet Based Diagnosis And Classification Of Raceway

Defects In Bearings Of An Induction Motor

International Journal

on ―Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering‖ (IJTPE)

Vol 3 Number 3

Issue 8




ISSN 2077-3528

An Improved Decision Making Algorithm For On Line

Discrimination Between Inrush And Fault Current In A

Transformer: Dwt Approach

International Journal

on ―Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering‖ (IJTPE)

Vol 1 Number 1

Issue 6




ISSN 2077-3528

Discrimination Of Capacitor Switching Transients Using Wavelet

Pratibha International Journal of Science, Spirituality,Buisness and Technology (IJSSBT)

Vol. 1, no 1.

March 2012


Analytical and Simulation Analysis of SVC and STATCOM

International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Applications (IJAEA)




Novel Wavelet Ann Technique To Classify Bearing Faults

In Three Phase Induction Motor

International Journal of Advancement in technology

Vol 3 Number 3

Issue 8




Vol.2, Issue 2, April

2011, Page.319-330

Monitoring and Diagnosis of

Induction Motor for stator voltage unbalance

International Journal Of Electronics

& Electrical Engineering (IJEEE)

Vol.4, No.1, Page.95-106


ISSN: 0974-2174

Continuous Wavelet Transform for Discrimination between Inrush and Fault Current Transients in Transformer

Transformer Pratibha: International Journal of Science Spirituality, Business and Technology

vol.1, Issue1

March 2012


Discrimination Of Capacitor Switching Transients Using Wavelet

Pratibha International Journal of Science, Spirituality,Buisness and Technology (IJSSBT)

Vol. 1, no 1

March 2012


Digital Simulation Of Numerical Relay Using Matlab

AES Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Research in Electrical Engineering

Issue.1, Vol.1 Page 15-20



Novel Wavelet Ann Technique To Classify Bearing Faults

In Three Phase Induction Motor

International Journal of Advancement in technology

Vol 3 Number 3

Issue 8





3. Student participation in conference/various competitions/technical events (External Events)

Sr. No.

Name of Student

Title of Competition/Event

Organized by

Date of event

Awards (if any)


Pavan Golande

Robo war

Dr. B.S. Nandurkar COET, Yewatmal


1 st prize